Thursday, October 25, 2012

Draft-Dodger: How To Winterize Your Patio Doors

Congratulations on your beautiful patio doors! Now you can sit comfortably behind them and gaze out into the winter wonderland as your backyard is filled with snow...and feel the draft as it rolls in beneath them. Oh, no! Yes, many patio doors are notorious for letting the heat leak out and the cold to leak in.This slow leak can make the rear of your house notorious chilly if not also make your energy bills raise bit by bit. No need to fear, though; there is a remedy for leaky patio doors. Draft guards are available from hardware stores or homeowners with a bit of sewing talent can fashion on themselves. When all else fails, a rolled-up towel can make an easy makeshift draft guard when the going gets drafty. For more information check out Pat Veretto's writeup on the Knoji website on how to keep your patio doors from becoming drafty

In order to help eliminate drafty doors, look to the door installation and building supplies specialists at One Source Windows and Doors in Tulsa, OK


  1. Thanks for the help! We love our patio doors in Vancouver but with so much snow we haven't been able to figure out what to do. I appreciate your advice!

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